The National Grocers Association faced many of the issues that handicap association in-house publishing: Rushed execution timetables, second-priority project execution and content creation that focused on filling the holes rather than truly engaging the audience. Before it became a custom publication by Mike Smith, the association's annual show issue was solid, but uninspiring. Here's a sample:
Following a bold graphic redesign and wholesale content re-crafting by Mike Smith, the annual-show special issue not only returned to its rightful position as the centerpiece of this prestige event, but it also delivered engagement pull-through beyond the show's boundaries by providing meaningful editorial content that positioned the association as the industry authority on several important issues.
So meaningful was the change in character of the publication that by the following year, it had evolved into a magazine within its own right, i Magazine for the independent retailer, featuring high-value graphic content, strategic editorial execution and ghost writing throughout by Mike Smith.
Do you have an authoritative story to tell that's being hidden by your execution? Click here to find out how you can add engagement with a quality publication.